Member # 1
Member since Oct 18, 2011
Profile viewed 3,166 times
Finished 244 races so far
Registered for 5 future races so far
Country: United States of America
State: California
City: Yorba Linda
53 years old Male
ultraFanatic Level: 3
actions in here
“I started running in 2005 and since then I completed almost 350 races including 79 marathons, 57 50Ks, 18 50 miler, 4 100K, 25 100 miler, and one 144 miler.(twice around Lake Tahoe non-stop in 2011).
I'm also the founder and race director of the Swiss Alps 100 in Switzerland. Check it out at www.SwissAl.ps now.
- In 2010 I finished the Angeles Crest 100 miler, the Disneyland half marathon, and the Rio del Lago 100 miler within only 2 weeks.
- In 2011 finished the DRTE Trail 100, with over 30,000 feet of total elevation gain, and the OC marathon on the very same weekend.
- In 2011 I've finished five 100 miler and one 144 miler. Officially it should have been six 100 milers but C2M got canceled after 31 hours and I was at mile 81 when I got pulled.
Tim Mullican3561 days ago
Is there any way for a timed event to be counted as a 50K if I ran more than 31 mi and less than 50?
Diego Tellov4447 days ago
Hi Jakob. Let me know if you need someone to test out the new enhancements to the database.