You might be an ultra-runner


Jeremy Dougherty

Member # 92

Member since Dec 2, 2011

Profile viewed 429 times

Finished 11 races so far

Registered for 0 future races so far

Country: United States of America

State: Arizona

City: Phoenix

44 years old Male

ultraFanatic Level: 2

actions in here
I started running ultras in 2009 with the Mountain Mist 50K in Alabama and from there went full force in entering races trying my hand at a lot of different courses. My first 50 mile race was the Zane Grey 50M here in Arizona and last summer I ran my first 100M in Washington at the Cascade Crest 100. I've done more ultras and 50M runs in wilderness areas of Arizona than I have "official" races and from that drew the inspiration for the first mountain 100 in Arizona, the Mogollon Monster 100 which debuts this fall 2012. I'm directing that race this fall with the help of the incredible support from Arizona's ultrarunning community. I have a running blog on Arizona running at and founded with two fellow ultrarunners this year. I am a member of the Wednesday Morning Running Club, WMRC ( which has pushed and supported me more in the last several years than any network I''''ve every been associated with. Come join us on Wednesday mornings when you are in Phoenix!
  • Finishing my first 50 Mile race, the Zane Grey 50, two months after my first ultra and not dying.
  • Cascade Crest 100, my first 100 mile race and finishing it strong to the end.
  • All the 50 Mile wilderness runs I've completed in Arizona in training for ultras. They usually ended up being harder than any of the races themselves.
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